Elite Athletes

Performance Coaching

When working with elites Max will start by carrying out a Functional Movement Assessment to determine the Athletes strengths and weaknesses. An individual program will then be designed to help prevent against injury and improve performance.

Nutrition is a massive factor; elite sports persons have specific nutritional requirements. A full nutritional Assessment is carried out and acted upon. Max offers continually support and guidance.

Max has worked with professional & elite athletes in a range of sports including Football, Basketball, Motor Racing, Triathlon, Cycling & Athletics.

Training Locations

Max provides personal training services in London, Northampton and Frankfurt which can take place in his studio, an affiliated gym, your home, office or a public space.

London Locations

  • Canary Wharf – Unit 110 Cannon workshops E14 4AS
  • Liverpool Street – UNTIL, 280 Bishops Square, London EC2M 4RB
  • Westminster – Adam White Studios, 65 Romney St, London SW1P 3RF
  • Your home
  • Your office
  • Public space
  • Other? – Please enquire

Northampton Locations

  • Home Gym – Please enquire for address
  • Your home
  • Your office
  • Public space

Frankfurt Locations

  • Uplift – Savignystraße 30, 60325 (additional fees apply)
  • Your home
  • Your office
  • Public space

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Get in touch.

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our services or products.


+44 7766 011 097
