
With Max Curle

The pandemic saw a rise in all online business, Max has been offering new and existing clients all around the world the opportunity to train with him from wherever they might be. Be it a home gym, front room, a business hotel or holiday destination, don’t let distance and time zone stop your training. Please enquire for more information.

Training Locations

Max provides personal training services in London, Northampton and Frankfurt which can take place in his studio, an affiliated gym, your home, office or a public space.

London Locations

  • Canary Wharf – Unit 110 Cannon workshops E14 4AS
  • Liverpool Street – UNTIL, 280 Bishops Square, London EC2M 4RB
  • Westminster – Adam White Studios, 65 Romney St, London SW1P 3RF
  • Your home
  • Your office
  • Public space
  • Other? – Please enquire

Northampton Locations

  • Home Gym – Please enquire for address
  • Your home
  • Your office
  • Public space

Frankfurt Locations

  • Uplift – Savignystraße 30, 60325 (additional fees apply)
  • Your home
  • Your office
  • Public space

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Get in touch.

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our services or products.


+44 7766 011 097
